How Do I Become a South Dakota Certified Beef Producer?
1. Contact the South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA) at 605-773-5436 and request program information.
2. Contact the South Dakota Animal Industry Board at 605-773-3321 or visit their website at to obtain a South Dakota approved official USDA premises number.
3. Participants must be South Dakota BQA-CMP (Beef Quality Assurance - Critical Management Plan) certified. The South Dakota Animal Industry Board is the administrator of this program and can be contacted at 605-773-3321.
4. After receiving your official South Dakota approved premises number and South Dakota BQA-CMP certification number, contact the SDDA and request an application to enroll in the South Dakota Certified Cattle Program.
5. A “pre-approved” producer/feeder site visit needs to be scheduled to ensure that participants understand their obligations and are willing and capable of complying with the program. This meeting must be scheduled in a reasonable time period prior to marketing eligible cattle.
6. The data management system will allow producers to enroll, manage and view data on qualifying animals. Information can be submitted into the South Dakota Certified data management system through a variety of methods, including electronic upload from third party management systems. Because the data must meet specific conditions, the SDDA will approve companies that can be used by program participants to collect and submit animal information.
7. Because specific information verifying source, age and traceability will need to be collected via the EID tag, participants should contact the SDDA to receive information regarding the process.
* If you have questions regarding the above information, please contact: , at the SD Department of Ag: 1-800-228-5254 OR (605) 773-5436.
** The above information is reproduced from the South Dakota Department of Agriculture's Live Cattle Requirements brochure.