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Education & Training

For Producers

The South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA) will be continuing our One-stop Shops in late summer of 2007. While not a requirement, interested producers are encouraged to attend a One-stop Shop prior to submitting an application.These forums are an excellent opportunity to learn about the South Dakota Certified Enrolled Cattle™ program (SDCEC) and complete the required prerequisites in one location.

This 1 day session will include South Dakota Beef Quality Assurance/Critical Management Plan Program (BQA/CMP) training, a detailed presentation of the SDCEC program and discussion of the participation requirements. Attendees will have the opportunity to register for and receive their official premises identfication number.

Additionally, a demonstration of the South Dakota Certified Enrolled Cattle™ Data Management System will explain the processes used to enroll cattle, perform transfers, and view enrolled animal information.

The South Dakota Department of Agriculture, South Dakota State University, the South Dakota Animal Industry Board, industry organizations and service providers jointly sponsor these sessions. There is a $25 registration fee which covers the cost of obtaining the BQA/CMP certification.

Contact the SDDA at 1-800-228-5254 for more information or to schedule a One-stop Shop in your area.

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